måndag 26 mars 2012


Anonymous. En film om hur William Shakespeares liv som vi känner till det var en bluff. Att han inte alls skrev de pjäser han sägs ha skrivit.
Intressant tanke, eller hur? Man har diskuterat om huruvida den simpla Shakespeare kunde skriva de pjäser han skrev länge. Men är inte det lite tjusningen?
Iaf. Bra film. Inte den bästa. Och jag tror inte det var så det gick till. Men intressant tanke, jodå. Se den och njut av lite Shakespeare om inte annat.


Anonymous. A film about how William Shakespeares life as we know it was a fraud. That he didn't write the plays he says have written.
Interesting thought, isn't it? People have discussed how the simple Shakespeare could write the plays he wrote for a long time, but isn't that some of the fascination?
To sum it up. Good film. Not the best. And I don't believe it. But interesting thought, yes. See it and at least enjoy some Shakespeare.

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