fredag 5 augusti 2011

Adrian Matenda

Vilken kille! 93a från Göteborg, lite jobbigt att jag upptäckte honom genom hans roll i Änglagård 3 som jag tvingade mig igenom men ändå. Underbar röst och musik.
För att citera personen ifråga,
"Personally, I feel the music is a little bit of folk music, with a kind of jazzy undertone sometimes. There's a classical touch in there somewhere too, inspired by filmcomposers mostly. If I had to put it in a genre, I'd just say acoustic folkmusic. It's never that easy though."

Och om albumet Log Moving från 2011,
"It's an easy-going, acoustic album. A bunch of lyrics and a guitar, basicly. At least, that is the illusion we're trying to create. There's a piano playing sometimes, there's a choir singing sometimes and there's even a violin playing sometimes. But the feeling you're supposed to get is singing, and a guitar."

Riktigt skön musik helt enkelt!
Finns en del musik där, gillar speciellt Tunes.

Inte på långa vägar som John Mayers version men vi sätter en parentes runt den sista

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